Privacy Policy

At, we are dedicated to protecting the privacy of all of your personal information. This privacy statement contains information on how we handle your information and protect it against hackers and data theft. Visitors are therefore advised to carefully read the privacy policy from beginning to end before making a purchase from us. Our “Privacy Policy” and other important aspects of the website are subject to constant amendment. This is done in order to make sure you get the greatest services for a smooth and enjoyable experience when working with us. The existing policies are subject to change at any time, and has the right to do so without prior notice to users. At the bottom of the page, under the “Privacy Policy” option, users can view the most updated privacy policies.

Personal information and medical data

For registration and verification to be successful, users must upload their personal information and patient data to our website. Included are name, contact details, billing address, email address, and any medicines. As soon as you upload this data, our website instantly recognizes it and uses SSL to encrypt it. As a result, neither third parties nor hackers may access your information when you shop with us.

At, we also strictly adhere to HIPAA security guidelines to safeguard patient medical information. By doing this, it is impossible for anyone other than the user to change or update the uploaded files.

Employing Cookies

On our website, several cookies are utilised to improve service administration. only gathers this information for marketing and promotional purposes without putting your personal information in jeopardy. The gathered information is frequently utilised to monitor visitor volume, spot loyal clients, and access click-through rates for particular services. In order to better understand how we function across various demographic groups, some cookies may additionally ask for your location. Because we never share any of your personal information with any third-party websites or marketing channels, your data is fully safe with us.

Advertising and Promotions

We never divulge any client’s personal or health data to unrelated websites or for our marketing campaigns. But, if clients so desire, they may write to us and indicate their interest in taking part in our advertising initiatives. Consumers are welcome to voluntarily submit their information to us, but only after a careful examination of the intended purpose. People are urged to give accurate information and rigorously abide by the applicable rules in order to participate in our campaigns.

Although never shares your personal information with anyone, there are rare situations where we could be compelled to. In the event of a request, we are compelled to comply with the request without obtaining or waiting for the patient’s approval

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